Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Zack Brannagan

So pretty much.......Zack Brannagan is the most amazing and humble guy you will ever meet. He loves music, videogames, sports, and computers. Zack also likes to watch movies alot. Some of his favorite actors are Adam Sandler, Will Ferrel, Seth Rogen, Jack Black, and Jonah Hill. Zack's Favorite food in the whole entire Pizza. Zack also plays a few instruments as well! Right now he is taking Drum lessons, but doesnt have his own drum set. He also loves to play his Bass Guitar and mess around on his regular electric guitar.

yeah so Zack can't think of anything else to type about himself....but if you were to ask him any questions I'm sure he would be happy to answer them

so now you know a little bit about Zack Brannagan.....

send me a comment/message/whatever you do on this site




B.J. said...

Hey hey nice to see ya on here I'll ad you to my links and stuff.

Katie said...

ooh cool hair in "The Real Zack Brannagan" picture i like it!!!!!!!

RachAEL said...

lol rachael thinks its funny that katie likes zacks hair bc its a fohawk and thats katies fav hairstyle for guys LOL

rachael wonders why zack is talking in third person LOL

it sounds like an answering machine "pls leave a msg after the beep. beeeeeeeeep" :DDD

i kno u may not kno me, but im like the only HSer besides nate who hasnt gone to the HS youth group things on monday nites last year....but i plan on going this year :D

well even though i dont kno many of those bands and movies, i HAVE seen elf, and its HILARIOUS! lol Will Ferrell is funny! and adam sandler is funny sometimes too, cept in his latest film "dont mess w/ teh zohan". idk if u've seen it but it was TERRIBLE!

but anyway, cool blog, keep up the good work, and ill "type ya later" :DDD

RachAEL said...

ps do u kno who saul is? if u even kno wat im talking about? idk if u kno about the whole saul crisis, but if u find out anything, pls tell me :DDD thx

Kayzar said...

Again with Saul? And Nate came last year.

Hey Zack love the site.
The inverted pic looks demonish.

B.J. said...

Ye it does

RachAEL said...

ye? bj really? ur typing to "fats...i mean fast" again lol

and yes, brady, saul agian. well apparently u dont wanna find out who he is bc *gasp* U ARE HIM! lol its cool. dont deny it. =P

and brady, have u noticed that bj is like ur little follower lol bc on my Warrior Cats blog bjs all "wow idc" and then u said u like firestar n stuff then bjs all "well i better look into it" LOL then just now bj agrees w/ u haha :DDD

Steveo said...

Dood. Now we can talk to eachother on Myspace AND on Blogger. Why we would need to: don't ask; but we totally can.

RachAEL said...

ya, no prob. ill burn u a CD too-im already makin one for josiah and young buffalo anyway :DDD ill give the CD to u @ church on sunday

do u want all the songs? thers 16 total (including the acoustic ones)
well ill just put all on there w/ titles n stuff and u can decide which ones u do/dont want. ok? :DDd

Lady Mew said...

hai Zack! i totlie met yu at church!!! remember? i wuz Rachaelz crazy friend! yayzes!

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^" XOXOXO